


Any version released before 9. Sep, 2022 is considered Beta, and the Python version being considered Alpha.

There will be no official 'versioning' as the bot will always be running edge code after my internal testing. Feel free to keep your own versions.

Dependency Update - 19. Oct, 2022

  • Updated dependencies to their latest versions.
  • Added openssl1.1-compat to the Dockerfile.

Docker Update - 9. Sep, 2022

Official first release.
  • Added Docker support. You can now run Slashy in a Docker container.

Typescript Rewrite - 26. Jul, 2022

  • Rewritten the entire Python bot into Typescript. Now using Discord.js.
  • Nothing should be different on the client side.
  • This is considered a major update, as it's a complete rewrite of the bot.

Slashy Python

View legacy Slashy changes

The Localization Update 1 - 18. Apr, 2022

  • Renamed some cogs, made it nice and cute.
  • Added support for command localization.
    • These only work on slashy's commands (/slashy add, /slashy edit etc.)
    • English and Croatian are the only ones supported right now.
    • As of the release of this update, Discord hasn't fully released localisation to everyone.
    • You can help translate the commands to your own (discord-supported) language by editing localizations.json.
  • Changine from development to production mode is as simple as changing a boolean in
  • Added an extra logging option in that prints out any command modification.
  • Moved all error handling to a separate cog.
    • Also sends the error to whoever's ID is set as the OWNER_ID in config.json
  • Updated aiomysql to 0.1.0, and cryptography to 36.0.1
  • Fixed some uneccessary imports.

The Commands Update - 17. Feb, 2022

  • Moved all commands under the /slashy category.
    • Every non-custom command now starts with /slashy, e.g. /slashy add
    • This made it so you can use names like help, list and such as your custom command names.
  • Added /slashy config so you can set a permission level to use the bot.
    • The command is Administrator-only and will stay that way.
    • If you want me to add any other permissions, open an issue.
  • Redone some of the cog organization. This shouldn't concern end-users, just makes my life easier.
  • Fixed SQL injection... lol.
  • Probably introduced new bugs. Time will tell.
  • New logo, that's cool I guess.

The Cleaner Code Update - 13. Feb, 2022

  • Added placeholder support:

    • Things like [[user]], [[server.member_count]] and such.
    • Read up below.
  • Updated Novus to latest Github build, which in turn allowed me to do the following:

    • Added auto-completion support for command names when using /edit and /remove.
    • No longer using raw HTTP requests to manage your commands.
  • Cleaned up a lot of unnecessary code.